
Solo show at Art Number 23 Gallery London

It was a pleasure to exhibit my ID Life tapestries series at the Art Number 23 gallery at the Biscuit Factory last Friday. The exhibition is still till the 24th of June.

Th exhibition was curated by CONSTANTINE ANJULATOS

'A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time
 and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest,  a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.'
Albert Einstein

My Life Tapestries series was inspired by the connection of all living creatures sharing the same space, 
the same world within the Universe. Drawing on my own near death experiences 
I explore my subject to the very boundaries between life and death and everything that is that 'in between' 
space.  The series is painted mainly on silk fabric with mixed media, oil. ink and 

Life tapestry 1, 172x155cm, oil on canvas.jpg

Celebrate your imperfections. The beauty will follow. 

We live in a visually demanding society. There is so much pressure on the way we look and present ourselves that is sometimes breathtaking. How can we release the images stuck into our heads and be happy again without loosing our identity?
As Narain Ishaya stated yesterday at his book launch ''Chit Happens''  in London,
'Get rid of all your limitations. We impose limits on ourselves.' In the same way we can also release limiting beliefs. Free ourselves.

In regards to the subject I was investigating Aries -people who were born in the same month as me.
I did lots of research on the way Aries perceive reality and what are their strengths and weaknesses.
Here are the results.
Enjoy and start  celebrating your body.



My interest was pretty obvious since I remembered. I was drawing, painting and amputating legs of my dolls since I was a little girl. I guess that tell a lot. After my diagnosis at the age of 16 years old my new vocation became apparent.

Nothing was the same. I learnt that medicine is limited and it does not appreciate our mind and its powers in the healing process. That quickly put me off becoming a surgeon and instead I decided to devote myself to painting. It was and is my passion that I live for. The process of painting helped me to heal my soul from toxins of the past and implement new ways of living into my messy life. Painting was my salvation and blessing.

The decision to become an artist was obvious however it took a lot of courage considering that I was growing up in a broken home, single mother raising me and my siblings, father who spend every single penny on alcohol.

There was one memorable incident that helped me to decide what I really want in life regardless.

I had a massive bleeding night and my doctor was not sure whether or not I will make it till the next day.

I remember that night very well. I did not sleep. A stranger with whom I shared a hospital room was holding my hand keeping me awake.

The possibility of dying was very real and waiting right at the corner. I asked myself many questions that night. Out of all the most important questions was ‘How do I want to live my life if I will survive this?’ There was only one answer- to paint.

That is how I started painting my Heads series which you can access on my website. A lot of them were painted under my hospital bed.

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